Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Having a child is the best thing in this world....A few years ago I never would have believed that, but now, I know it is a fact. Before you have a child you live your life only for you, and you do many many stupid things that you don't think matter. You hurt yourself by staying up late, drinking too much....etc....That was my life. I loved bartending. Better yet, I loved the nightlife that went along with bartending. And the one hting I knew is that I DID NOT want children. I hurt my body by ingesting toxins...I include hamburgers and coca cola as toxins as well!

Now fast forward to now. When I found out I was pregnant I was ecstatic. And I have never ate so well in my life. Suddenly I made sure spinach and legumes were in my daily diet. I would not go around people that smoked--afraid of second hand smoke, and I exercised daily. At nine months pregnant I exercised more than I did when I was not pregnant.

And now I have a beautiful daughter. There is nothing I love more than holding her, bathing her, kissing her, and putting her to bed--by 7:30..And these are the best friday nights I have spent. It took her to make me a good person and now my every move and every thought is done with her in mind. I want to be the best person ever---for her. And not to mention Pedro is amazing. He loves me and loves his little girl. So yeah, maybe we arent rich and maybe my life has had a few 'oops' but somehow God has watched over me and I have the most amazing fiance and wonderful baby girl....And I couldnt imagine my life any other way.