I am now 18 weeks and 2 days pregnant--almost halfway there!! In medical terms, I am in my fifth month. The first few months went fast, very fast, and there were days I didnt think I was even pregnant!! I had no tummy and I never really got bad morning sickness. As of my last doctors visit I weighed only 120 lbs., no different from my moment of conception, but that has all changed now. Not only do I have the appetite of a truck driver, I'm almost as big as a truck!!! Luckily its staying mostly in my belly!!! ( I can no longer see my feet now!!)

Pedro has been amazing, massaging my legs when they hurt and cooking for me non-stop!! Yesterday, after he made a trip to the international market, we had caracol and enchirmoladas. Caracol is boiled snails that are cut up with tomatoes, jalapeƱos, and a certain hot sauce, then served with crackers. Enchirmoladas are corn tortillas drenched in a homemade tomato and jalapeƱo sauce, folded, then topped with Mexican crema, cotija cheese, and onions.....yuummm!!! The rest of the evening was spent watching Sex and the City and me laughing at Pedro trying to juggle limes!!
I have no idea how my pregnancy has been so easy thus far, I am really grateful. I get struck with hits of high hormones every now and then and fatigue is running my body rampant, but overall it has been amazing. Now if I could just find some cute clothes to fit my big belly!!!