Monday, December 3, 2007

39 weeks

Well I will start this off by saying that I just ate a whole footlong sub. That has NEVER in my life happened. But I figure I only have a few more days of being able to eat whatever I want without having to worry about my belly sticking out :) Here is the great news.......

Today my midwife did a Stress test on the baby which is where they hook you up to a monitor and then they record the baby's heartrate along with my contractions. Seeing as she is not moving as much as before (kinda tight living quarters now) they want to make sure that her heart rate doesnt slow during contractions. So the test went great!! She is just healthy as can be. Her heart rate is around 135, but at some times it got all the way up to 198 during a strong contraction!!
Then it was time for my internal exam. My doctors exact words.."You have made great progress since last week!" I am 75% effaced and dilated to a 1 and she could touch the baby's head. She also said that my uterus is now in perfect condition for labor. We did go ahead and schedule my induction for Dec. 13th at 7:30am. So we still have 10 days to see if she comes on her own, but no matter what she will be here within 10 days!!!!!!! The last things they did were my weight and blood pressure--My total pregnancy weight gain is 22 pounds and my blood pressure is perfect! Now all we need is for labor to start!!

1 comment:

David Plouffe said...


I am so happy for you. You let everyone know when you go into the hospital.

Please keep me informed, please keep in touch.

Uncle Dave

Ps Here's my Blog: