Monday, November 26, 2007

38 weeks

You know the worst thing you can say to a pregnant lady while your hand is up her tooter--who is almost due? "You've made no changes!!" That is what I heard today on my 38 weeks visit. She did say that my cervix is soft, but still no dilation. It's frustrating. Especially since I feel like I walked a marathon this past week. BUT--the baby and I are completely healthy, and that is more than I could ask for! So my midwife said that next Monday (Dec. 3rd) when I go in for my 39 week visit, we will go ahead and schedule my induction for the following week. So since her due date is Dec. 10th....I'm going to push for Dec 11th as my induction date :) We will see! And there is still a chance that she will come on her own in the next 2 weeks. From what she said--some women dilate to a 3 by 37 weeks, but make no progress after that. And some are closed until labor begins, and dilate fast. Every woman is different. So although i haven't dilated doesn't mean I cannot go into labor--say--tonight!! For now I am resting. I am tired. Its raining...and thats a perfect combination for a nap.

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