Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Isabella loves.....
Her mommy :) She loves sleeping with her mommy too! Sometimes this is the only way I can get her take a long nap is to ly down with her. She also loves her chi-chi! Don't try and give her a bottle, she will adamantly refuse it. It is such a wonderful feeling though, knowing how much satisfaction she gets from nursing. Whether she is having stomach pains, gets a little too worked up, or just having an off day, all I have to do is let her nurse a little while. It is absolutely the best feeling in the world being able to make her so happy.
She also loves her Baby Einstein dvds and cartoons!! The bright colors and contrasts will hold her attention for awhile--at least long enough for me to get the kitchen clean!! And she loves 'talking' to her daddy and listening to Cumbia with him. I have walked into the room before to see her fast asleep after her daddy bounced her around a little to Cumbia, she loves the instruments and beats. She also loves anything she can put into her mouth! And I mean anything!!
She is such a wonderful girl and when I look at her I cant believe I have been so blessed.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Today Isabella rolled over for the first time! She has also been talking up a storm! I remember the days when she was so little and I would cry when she would nurse b/c it hurt so bad...and the nights when she stayed awake till 5 am. And now all of a sudden those memories are nothing but that..memories. And memories that I love. I have been lucky enough to be at home with her through her crying, laughing, bathing, eating, and everything. I wouldnt trade any of the diaper changers for any good paying job on wall street.
"When a baby is born...so is a mother"
"When a baby is born...so is a mother"
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Having a child is the best thing in this world....A few years ago I never would have believed that, but now, I know it is a fact. Before you have a child you live your life only for you, and you do many many stupid things that you don't think matter. You hurt yourself by staying up late, drinking too much....etc....That was my life. I loved bartending. Better yet, I loved the nightlife that went along with bartending. And the one hting I knew is that I DID NOT want children. I hurt my body by ingesting toxins...I include hamburgers and coca cola as toxins as well!
Now fast forward to now. When I found out I was pregnant I was ecstatic. And I have never ate so well in my life. Suddenly I made sure spinach and legumes were in my daily diet. I would not go around people that smoked--afraid of second hand smoke, and I exercised daily. At nine months pregnant I exercised more than I did when I was not pregnant.
And now I have a beautiful daughter. There is nothing I love more than holding her, bathing her, kissing her, and putting her to bed--by 7:30..And these are the best friday nights I have spent. It took her to make me a good person and now my every move and every thought is done with her in mind. I want to be the best person ever---for her. And not to mention Pedro is amazing. He loves me and loves his little girl. So yeah, maybe we arent rich and maybe my life has had a few 'oops' but somehow God has watched over me and I have the most amazing fiance and wonderful baby girl....And I couldnt imagine my life any other way.
Now fast forward to now. When I found out I was pregnant I was ecstatic. And I have never ate so well in my life. Suddenly I made sure spinach and legumes were in my daily diet. I would not go around people that smoked--afraid of second hand smoke, and I exercised daily. At nine months pregnant I exercised more than I did when I was not pregnant.
And now I have a beautiful daughter. There is nothing I love more than holding her, bathing her, kissing her, and putting her to bed--by 7:30..And these are the best friday nights I have spent. It took her to make me a good person and now my every move and every thought is done with her in mind. I want to be the best person ever---for her. And not to mention Pedro is amazing. He loves me and loves his little girl. So yeah, maybe we arent rich and maybe my life has had a few 'oops' but somehow God has watched over me and I have the most amazing fiance and wonderful baby girl....And I couldnt imagine my life any other way.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
It is a lot more rewarding and challenging than I thought. But when it gets tough all I have to do is remember that I am giving my daughter the best nourishment and loving bond needed to start her life off right :)
My birth story
Its Thursday Dec. 13th, 2007, and I am 3 days overdue with Isabella. My doctor has decided to induce me so we head to the hospital for a 7:30am induction. When we arrive they put me right into the labor and delivery room and get me hooked up to the monitors. I am already having contractions on my own, but they are not strong or long enough to open my cervix significantly so at around 8:30 am they administer pitocin (drug that induces labor and causes very HARD AND PAINFUL contractions.) Soon after my midwife comes in to do an exam and decides to break my water. Once she does she notices meconium, which is where the baby has its 1st bowel movement still inside of me (very common in babies that are past their due date). What that means is that a respiratory therapist will have to be there during the birth so that as soon as the baby comes out they can suction out her lungs before she cries and inhales any of the meconium. This is when my contractions start coming very hard and strong. And when I say I have NEVER felt something so painful, it is an understatement. Sometimes it felt like I had no time to rest in between them, they were just back to back. I tried to breathe, I tried to focus on something, but man did it hurt. So by this point I am ready for my epidural. It takes the anesthesiologist forever to come in and see me and once she does she is on the phone!!! So she put the 1st epidural in...and it doesn't work. So she puts the 2nd one in and finally she got it right! I would've have been a lot more upset about her being on the phone arguing with someone instead of paying attention to the huge needle and catheter she was inserting into me, but by the time it started working I was just way to happy to be out of pain!! When the doctor comes into check me again I am 9cm!! Almost ready to push!! Then it starts getting a little bad....The epidural wears off very fast, so they come in to administer more pain medicine. It only works on one side, the whole time i could feel right side-so I could feel every contraction. When they come back in they give me more pain medicine which causes my blood pressure to drop extremely low. They have to hurry and give me something to make my blood pressure come back up..which made me nauseous and start throwing up (I haven't eaten or drank anything in almost 24 hours, so it was just a bunch of painful dry heaving). After 3 hours of this, I am still only 9.5 cm. The doctor has me start pushing, when I do this a whole lot of blood is coming out of my catheter into my urine bag and the babies heart rate is dropping. She has me push a few more times, but with all the blood going into my bag and the babies heart rate dropping with every contraction she realizes that baby is stuck in the birth canal. So....after an all day labor, she tells me I will need a C-section.
Once she told me that I looked at Pedro, who looked more upset than I was. I think by that point I was just so exhausted all I wanted was for her to be here. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that I couldn't have a vaginal delivery, but I knew that it was the best thing for Isabella.
When they brought me in to have the surgery they had another problem with the anesthesia and it not working on my right side. Finally when they had everything in order they brought Pedro in. He sat next to me, holding my hand until 9:47pm, when Isabella was born and he was able to cut the cord.
Finally she was here and more perfect than I could've imagined.
Once she told me that I looked at Pedro, who looked more upset than I was. I think by that point I was just so exhausted all I wanted was for her to be here. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that I couldn't have a vaginal delivery, but I knew that it was the best thing for Isabella.
When they brought me in to have the surgery they had another problem with the anesthesia and it not working on my right side. Finally when they had everything in order they brought Pedro in. He sat next to me, holding my hand until 9:47pm, when Isabella was born and he was able to cut the cord.
Finally she was here and more perfect than I could've imagined.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
39 weeks
Well I will start this off by saying that I just ate a whole footlong sub. That has NEVER in my life happened. But I figure I only have a few more days of being able to eat whatever I want without having to worry about my belly sticking out :) Here is the great news.......
Today my midwife did a Stress test on the baby which is where they hook you up to a monitor and then they record the baby's heartrate along with my contractions. Seeing as she is not moving as much as before (kinda tight living quarters now) they want to make sure that her heart rate doesnt slow during contractions. So the test went great!! She is just healthy as can be. Her heart rate is around 135, but at some times it got all the way up to 198 during a strong contraction!!
Then it was time for my internal exam. My doctors exact words.."You have made great progress since last week!" I am 75% effaced and dilated to a 1 and she could touch the baby's head. She also said that my uterus is now in perfect condition for labor. We did go ahead and schedule my induction for Dec. 13th at 7:30am. So we still have 10 days to see if she comes on her own, but no matter what she will be here within 10 days!!!!!!! The last things they did were my weight and blood pressure--My total pregnancy weight gain is 22 pounds and my blood pressure is perfect! Now all we need is for labor to start!!
Today my midwife did a Stress test on the baby which is where they hook you up to a monitor and then they record the baby's heartrate along with my contractions. Seeing as she is not moving as much as before (kinda tight living quarters now) they want to make sure that her heart rate doesnt slow during contractions. So the test went great!! She is just healthy as can be. Her heart rate is around 135, but at some times it got all the way up to 198 during a strong contraction!!
Then it was time for my internal exam. My doctors exact words.."You have made great progress since last week!" I am 75% effaced and dilated to a 1 and she could touch the baby's head. She also said that my uterus is now in perfect condition for labor. We did go ahead and schedule my induction for Dec. 13th at 7:30am. So we still have 10 days to see if she comes on her own, but no matter what she will be here within 10 days!!!!!!! The last things they did were my weight and blood pressure--My total pregnancy weight gain is 22 pounds and my blood pressure is perfect! Now all we need is for labor to start!!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Eggplant Parmiagana
Last night I engulfed the eggplant parmigiana from Scalinis restaurant in Cobb County. Since the restaurant opened 23 years ago it is said the dish has put over 300 women into labor. There is actually a 'baby wall' with all the baby pictures off the women who have eaten the eggplant dish. So I ordered, and ate the entire thing, and it is "guaranteed" to put you into labor within 48 hours!! I am sure people think pregnant women are crazy with the extents they will go to get the baby out. And i do believe that none of these crazy tactics work unless you body and baby are ready, but I am so ready to see my little girl.
Monday, November 26, 2007
38 weeks
You know the worst thing you can say to a pregnant lady while your hand is up her tooter--who is almost due? "You've made no changes!!" That is what I heard today on my 38 weeks visit. She did say that my cervix is soft, but still no dilation. It's frustrating. Especially since I feel like I walked a marathon this past week. BUT--the baby and I are completely healthy, and that is more than I could ask for! So my midwife said that next Monday (Dec. 3rd) when I go in for my 39 week visit, we will go ahead and schedule my induction for the following week. So since her due date is Dec. 10th....I'm going to push for Dec 11th as my induction date :) We will see! And there is still a chance that she will come on her own in the next 2 weeks. From what she said--some women dilate to a 3 by 37 weeks, but make no progress after that. And some are closed until labor begins, and dilate fast. Every woman is different. So although i haven't dilated doesn't mean I cannot go into labor--say--tonight!! For now I am resting. I am tired. Its raining...and thats a perfect combination for a nap.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
On monday I went back to the doctor for my weekly visit. The news?! I have a dimple in my cervix, yes a dimple. I was hoping they would tell me I was at least 3 cm dilated!! Oh well, everything is wonderful with Isabella so I cannot complain one bit. Now heres where it gets fun......Tuesday Pedro and I were at the soccer fields. He was flying one if his airplanes (for those who don't know--Pedro builds and flies gas engine airplanes) and he is very good at it!! I decided instead of sitting there I would walk around the field. So knowing that by swinging your hips back and forth helps the baby descend and become engaged, I get in my stance ready to speed walk. Feet a little bigger than shoulder width apart and swinging my hips as much as I could while walking. Well....come the second time around the field I feel a gush. So i yank my pants down (no there was No-one else but us on the fields!!) and sure enough my undergarments are wet. So I freak, in a very good way. That had to be my water breaking! What else could it be?! So I can barely talk but managed to call the doctors and talk with a nurse who tells me to come in right away to get checked. Well I ride in the car with my pants half off sitting on paper towels!!! We get there and the nurse does all the regular things, blood pressure, weight, pee in the cup...then we get to see the doctor!! I am laying there with my feet in stirrups, specula in place and uncomfortable, when she tells me the test says there is no amniotic fluid. what?! Then what could it be? She tells me that as I was walking the babies head could have descended and pressed on my bladder very hard causing...you guessed it, a gush of pee to come out. So at 24 years old, I wet my pants.
So no baby for Thanksgiving but with my due date only 2 1/2 weeks aways I still have plenty of time to walk and eat spicy food to get my uterus dilated!!
So no baby for Thanksgiving but with my due date only 2 1/2 weeks aways I still have plenty of time to walk and eat spicy food to get my uterus dilated!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
November 13th
Today we (pedro and I) went in for my weekly checkup. I am 36 weeks and 1 day today, with less than 4 weeks until her due date- December 10th. The doctor did an internal exam and said I have started effacing, thinning of the cervix, and she says I am about 50% effaced....but no dilation- My cervix is still closed. The good thing is that the process has started. And as much as I would love to have her here NOW, a few more weeks is not that bad--and I will be able to still hit all the day after thanksgiving sales :) I'll just be waddling a little more than usual!
SO last night as I was cooking dinner Pedro looks at me and says, 'Thank you.' Then says, 'Before I met you I was alone and now I have a wonderful family.'
He melts my heart sometimes.......
SO last night as I was cooking dinner Pedro looks at me and says, 'Thank you.' Then says, 'Before I met you I was alone and now I have a wonderful family.'
He melts my heart sometimes.......
Saturday, November 10, 2007
"Babies of pregnant exercisers tend to sleep through the night sooner, are less prone to colic, and are better able to soothe themselves. Scientists attribute this to these babies being stimulated by their moms through changes in heart rate and oxygen levels, as well as the sounds and vibrations they experience in the womb during workouts."
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
35 weeks
35 weeks and 2 days....When I was weighed at the doctors today I was told I have put on a total of 20 pounds, I now weigh 141. Which seems like a HUGE number for me, but 20 lbs. is actually better than perfect. Most women gain around 40, so my good eating habits and exercise are really benefiting me and the baby while I have been pregnant. Not that I eat good all the time....but at least most of the time!! :) I was also told my uterus measures 34 cm. Your uterus should measure right around how many weeks you are pregnant so since I am 35 weeks that is a great measurement for me. I also signed my release for the delivery of the baby, whether by c-section or vaginally. And next weeks doctors appointment will be a long awaited one! They will give me an internal exam to see if I have started to efface (thinning of the cervix) or dilate (opening of the cervix). And to do a pelvic exam to determine the size and position of the baby and to make sure she will be able to pass through my pelvis. I am extrememly excited to see if I have started to dilate b/c that means my body is starting the process of labor!
37 weeks is considered term in pregnancy, so the baby can come anywhere between 37-42 weeks, with you estimated due date at 40 weeks. So if she comes at 37 weeks then she will be here in less than 2 weeks!! In preparation for labor I have started drinking red raspberry leaf tea. The tea is proven to help the uterus contract during labor and after (so it can shrink back to its original size). The tea also has great minerals and anti-oxidants. And pedro has mastered the art of how to time contractions and when we need to go to the hospital!! A lot of people have been asking me if I am nervous--I don't think I am that nervous. I am anxious and excited. I am excited to start a family with Pedro. And I am excited about the motivation and inspiration she will provide for me. And I am happy with how many positive changes she has helped me make and she is not even here yet. Children really are miracle life savers :)
37 weeks is considered term in pregnancy, so the baby can come anywhere between 37-42 weeks, with you estimated due date at 40 weeks. So if she comes at 37 weeks then she will be here in less than 2 weeks!! In preparation for labor I have started drinking red raspberry leaf tea. The tea is proven to help the uterus contract during labor and after (so it can shrink back to its original size). The tea also has great minerals and anti-oxidants. And pedro has mastered the art of how to time contractions and when we need to go to the hospital!! A lot of people have been asking me if I am nervous--I don't think I am that nervous. I am anxious and excited. I am excited to start a family with Pedro. And I am excited about the motivation and inspiration she will provide for me. And I am happy with how many positive changes she has helped me make and she is not even here yet. Children really are miracle life savers :)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
35 weeks
Its noon here, and as I just walked outside to pick up the mail I realized something....I am very happy. I mean really, truly, extremely happy. I awoke this morning quite early and was able to run many errands and have breakfast with my mom. Then I stopped to pick up a couple Christmas presents and some lunch for Pedro and myself. As we sat there eating we laughed and joked and talked about what a blessing our little girl is. Then we get up to go outside and the look on his face along with the breeze and the wind and all the signs that fall is very much here--I am very much in love with him. He runs across the street with the dog and talks with the little boys that are our neighbors and decides to take them to the park to fly his airplanes. I know it sounds so cheesy, but standing there looking around and knowing what great people I have in my life and what a wonderful little girl I'm about to bring into the world with the man I love...It makes me very very happy.
I am 35 weeks and 1 day today!! I'm starting to feel a little like a beached whale but am still loving pregnancy. The only thing I will love more is holding her in my arms!! Yesterday we found out we were accepted into the pediatricians team of doctors I had hoped for. Dr. Richard Baldwin will be her primary pediatrician. For me this means a lot, I grew up with 'Dr. Dick' as my dr and can remember drawing pictures and hanging them on his office walls. So now my little girl will be able to experience his positive personality and the wonderful way he does his job.
We also received the good news that Alexis will be coming into town for new years!!
I am 35 weeks and 1 day today!! I'm starting to feel a little like a beached whale but am still loving pregnancy. The only thing I will love more is holding her in my arms!! Yesterday we found out we were accepted into the pediatricians team of doctors I had hoped for. Dr. Richard Baldwin will be her primary pediatrician. For me this means a lot, I grew up with 'Dr. Dick' as my dr and can remember drawing pictures and hanging them on his office walls. So now my little girl will be able to experience his positive personality and the wonderful way he does his job.
We also received the good news that Alexis will be coming into town for new years!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Crazy hormonal dreams
So 2 nights ago I dreamed I gave birth to a baby boy! And all i kept doing was screaming, "NO her genitals are just swollen." And last night she was a taco. Not joking. When I opened up a piece of aluminum foil there was cilantro and onions and her little head. But in the dream everyone kept telling me how beautiful she was..and she had a full head of hair!! Those on top of the dream I had that I gave birth to an african american boy!!!
Sometimes I wake up and am not quite sure what in the world is going on!!
Hormones..they have got to be the craziest thing anyone can experience. And now I'm contemplating what I want for breakfast. Part of me feels like I will die if I don't get pancakes, but then I kind of want a blueberry bagel with almond honey cream cheese. If this baby doesnt come soon I might drive myself crazy (and pedro too)!!!!
Sometimes I wake up and am not quite sure what in the world is going on!!
Hormones..they have got to be the craziest thing anyone can experience. And now I'm contemplating what I want for breakfast. Part of me feels like I will die if I don't get pancakes, but then I kind of want a blueberry bagel with almond honey cream cheese. If this baby doesnt come soon I might drive myself crazy (and pedro too)!!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Week 34...Braxton Hicks contractions are coming quite often now and are getting a little on the uncomfortable side! But...I still have a couple more weeks until we get to see her. I am starting to get extremely excited-to finally see her, see what she looks like, hold her. And EVERYTHING is ready!! We got the nursery put together and even have the car seat installed, so now all we need are real labor contractions to get her here! Thank you to everyone who has helped and been there for us through this amazing journey.
Last week the carpel tunnel in my hand really started acting up, it almost felt as if my hands were on fire. Other than the burning--my hands are HUGE (they match my feet now!!)!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
What every pregnant woman needs..
A pair of blinders and ear plugs!!! Lately I have been getting 'suggestions' and comments everytime I turn around, which can really start to drive you crazy. The biggest thing I have people say to me is, 'why are you still working, why aren't you at home?' Well ya know..I feel great (98% of the time), my job requires no hard work just a constant cardio workout (which has been great for my health and my unborn child)...and what would I do sitting on my butt at home? I feel that my job has HELPED me with my pregnancy and has really helped my stay healthy and energetic throughout it. So thank you to everyone who helps me at work and to everyone who has supported me. Now if I can just get that stupid redneck from coming in (the one who told me i was going to kill my baby b/c i should be at home...yeah that ass.) then that would make me even happier!! But until then I plan on working till I give birth, or until I can't fit through the doors...and as long as I continue to get great leg massages from Pedro ;)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
30 weeks
30 weeks pregnant and only 2 months to go!! I think she will come around thanksgiving...or maybe around week 37 :) I am still working and going strong, although the huge belly is getting a little in the way now so I am having to learn how to manuver around things. Sciatic nerve pain strikes every now and then, and it is horrible. It starts in my butt and goes down my leg-with nothing relieveing it. Other than that the only other worry is my glucose tolerance, which Ill be back in the doctors office testing tomorrow morning. So EVERYTHING has been fairly easy!! And I am hoping that all the exercise and walking will help her come a couple weeks early :) My weight is 135 now. Yes, 135. The suggested weight gain during pregnancy is 25-35 lbs. So if I put on a lb a week the rest of the pregnancy I will be right at a 25 lb gain! Its hard keeping the cravings down at times. So I have tried to learn how to substitute when a craving strikes!! But I have to say, i honestly love veggies and cheeses. Brocolli, spinach salads, and even whole tomatoes are my favorites, so its a good thing for my little one that I do love eating healthy foods. And 'real' tacos (not taco bell!!) tend to be good for you too!! Corn tortillas, fish or a meat, and a sauce made from tomatillos and avocados...mmmmm.
Last week my co-workers threw me a baby shower at work-which was amazing!! It is so nice to see how much people care about you, especially during such a changing time in our lives. The baby gifts were so thoughtful, the food-great, the company even better, and the red velvet baby cake was delicous!!!!
Last week my co-workers threw me a baby shower at work-which was amazing!! It is so nice to see how much people care about you, especially during such a changing time in our lives. The baby gifts were so thoughtful, the food-great, the company even better, and the red velvet baby cake was delicous!!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Isabella Gabina Martinez
Friday, August 31, 2007
26 weeks
She must be preparing for her soccer career early--cause she is moving and kicking non-stop!! And guess when she likes moving the most-At NIGHT!! But it is definitely a feeling of relief to know that she is okay in there :) As for me....my official weight gain is 9 pounds! and I'm starting to have trouble sleeping. I have developed pregnancy carpel tunnel, which more than anything just drives me crazy! It is caused from fluid retention that as you ly down (at night) spreads to other areas of your body (hand and arm) and blocks nerve cells...so my hand goes to sleep and my arm hurts, all night long. Its better if I sleep sitting up so I have tried doing that a couple times. But at least the heat in Atlanta has subsided a little!! Pregnancy plus heat is not a good combination!
'Your baby now weighs a little under 2 pounds and measures about 14 inches, from head to heel. The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are developing now, too, as she continues to take small breaths of amniotic fluid — good practice for when she's born and takes that first breath of air.'
'Your baby now weighs a little under 2 pounds and measures about 14 inches, from head to heel. The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are developing now, too, as she continues to take small breaths of amniotic fluid — good practice for when she's born and takes that first breath of air.'
Sunday, August 12, 2007
23 weeks
Now I am feeling our little girl move all the time. It is a feeling that is unexplainable, and probably the best feeling anyone can ever experience. Sometimes it even feels as if she is doing jumping jacks in there!! This is where one can truly say, 'There is a God.' This is a miracle. For each individual cell to know their exact function and to produce a baby that survives inside the mothers womb....it amazes me. And now to feel her moving in my ever protruding belly makes the miracle come even more alive. For someone who has never been pregnant, it a feeling that cannot truly be explained, but anyone woman who has had the wonderful opportunity to carry a child inside her--it is really what a great life is all about.
Only a few more moths to go :)
"Scientific research shows that you're not the only one who benefits from pregnancy exercise. Apparently, babies of moms who exercise throughout pregnancy score higher, on average, on general intelligence tests by age five." Hope this means all this running around I do will be more beneficial than we thought!!!
Only a few more moths to go :)
"Scientific research shows that you're not the only one who benefits from pregnancy exercise. Apparently, babies of moms who exercise throughout pregnancy score higher, on average, on general intelligence tests by age five." Hope this means all this running around I do will be more beneficial than we thought!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
What I know now about parenting is to "surrender." I've learned how childbirth brings with it self discovery, self healing, and adaptation to the new selves we become every single day of our lives. No one ever told me that, as an adult, I would keep on changing. I would have to move and flow with changes in myself, as well as all around me, for the rest of my life. No one ever explained that this process never ends, that it is infinite. Learning to surrender means learning to go with change; and change requires surrender. From the first days of pregnancy when the baby inside you begins to puff out your belly and breasts, makes you nauseated and tired, makes you have emotional heights and depths, radically affects your relationship with everyone around you, you are asked by this tiny life to adapt to these changes. If you resist you will suffer. You must give in. You do let go. You shed your old self. Perhaps pregnancy, more than any other period in a woman's life, enables her to understand the complexity of this requirement in life-to change and to adapt. Pregnancy enables us to open a multitude of doorways-into ourselves, into our ancestral past, and into our future. Sometimes walking through these doors can shift old patterns on this planet. The gift of childbirth challenges us to take nothing for granted and to flow around any rocky obstacle.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Jalapenos have taken over my life these days..Buying them every time I am at the store, getting them grilled from taco veloz, chiles in vinagres from Taco Market that are eaten with juevos con chorizo, boiling them in an attempt to make really good green sauce and always making sure there is a little orange or red tint somewhere on the chile so that it has enough spice to it. This is only one of the things that goes along with having an multicultural relationship and its one of the many things our daughter will grow up with. SOmetimes you fail to realize how different 2 places and their people are until they have formed a family. One of the biggest I have realized is Family--mainly the importance of it. Here in America we have lost that. We have lost the closeness parents have with their children and the time that is spent on nothing but family. We tell ourselves that it is better for us to work insane hours and drive a BMW, than to pick up our children from school. But....In Mexico....it is the exact opposite. Family is the emphasis of every day life, it is what EVERYTHING is based on. So while our daughter will spend much of her time here in the states, I hope that Pedro and I will still be able to instill in her all the values and fundamentals of family and all that goes along with it.
7 pounds!!! I have officially gotten into the positive zone for weight gain and have put on 7 pounds. The gain is a mixture of increased blood volume, breast tissue, amniotic fluid, baby weight, as well as maternal weight (I'd like to think the maternal weight gain is the least!!). She is growing and making mommy bigger by the day!! Pedro is getting very excited about having a little girl--sometimes he'll grab one of her outfits and hold it to see how she'll fit in his arms!! Earlier this week we went on a tour of the hospital and birthing center...wow!! From the moment the baby is born she will be in our room non-stop, no leaving for the nursery!!! Every thing the doctor does will be done in our room right in front of us. We will then be moved to a family suite where baby Isabella, Pedro, and myself will have beds and will stay for the night. The best part--we get room service!! Well thats the second best part after finally having our little one here.. The hospital and the whole staff seem incredible so that makes everything a little less stressful for us.
Last but not least...Pedro and I are taking our first trip out of Atlanta with the baby!! Next month, for Pedros bday, we will be flying out to Chicago. Jose, and what an incredible person he is, got us plane tickets for Pedros bday and has a condo right in downtown Chicago we will be staying at. We are super excited as this will be the last time we get to go anywhere before our girl is here!! And seeing as neither one of us have ever been there it is sure to be a great time!!
7 pounds!!! I have officially gotten into the positive zone for weight gain and have put on 7 pounds. The gain is a mixture of increased blood volume, breast tissue, amniotic fluid, baby weight, as well as maternal weight (I'd like to think the maternal weight gain is the least!!). She is growing and making mommy bigger by the day!! Pedro is getting very excited about having a little girl--sometimes he'll grab one of her outfits and hold it to see how she'll fit in his arms!! Earlier this week we went on a tour of the hospital and birthing center...wow!! From the moment the baby is born she will be in our room non-stop, no leaving for the nursery!!! Every thing the doctor does will be done in our room right in front of us. We will then be moved to a family suite where baby Isabella, Pedro, and myself will have beds and will stay for the night. The best part--we get room service!! Well thats the second best part after finally having our little one here.. The hospital and the whole staff seem incredible so that makes everything a little less stressful for us.
Last but not least...Pedro and I are taking our first trip out of Atlanta with the baby!! Next month, for Pedros bday, we will be flying out to Chicago. Jose, and what an incredible person he is, got us plane tickets for Pedros bday and has a condo right in downtown Chicago we will be staying at. We are super excited as this will be the last time we get to go anywhere before our girl is here!! And seeing as neither one of us have ever been there it is sure to be a great time!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
20 week Ultrasound
Just wanted to let everyone know that we went for our 20 week ultrasound today, and everything is beautiful. There were no known abnormalities and she is already moving around like a little soccer player in there! Its a huge relief to see the doctor and have them tell you everything is OK. There are countless minutes spent worrying that everything will be okay, most of the worrying in vein of course. The doctor did say she already has a big belly!! Are you telling me my baby is fat?!! Her words were, 'Babies grow out before they grow up.' You could actually see the 4 chambers of her heart, her brain, all her fingers and toes, and her little girl parts!! It really is a miracle. So it looks like she will be born just fine and healthy come December :)

Friday, July 20, 2007
Oh parenting class......the look on Pedros face would've made anyone laugh!! We got to see videos of amniocentesis test as well as talking about losing your 'mucus plug.' This is not exactly the kind of info guys like to hear!! As the day gets closer, the reality of labor is becoming increasingly clear. So how soon can I get that epidural?? :)
Week 20
In 2 days we will be starting week 20, which is the halfway point for pregnancy!! One question I received a few days ago was, "Are you ready to have this baby?" Well......I don't think there is a definite readiness you can achieve. You may have the 'right' bank account, the perfect marriage, everything you think that could prepare you for a child, but none of that means you are 'ready.'
I have had the opportunity to travel and see many places in the world that some people only dream about. I have done MANY crazy and adventurous things and seen some amazing sites. I have also been blessed with an amazing man who supports me 100% (well I don't think he'd be happy if I went skydiving again!!), and a wonderful family with a best friend who I can count on no matter what. And now I am going to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. So am I ready? Probably not, and truthfully I probably won't ever be, but I have had an amazing life and am surrounded by people who love and adore me, so whatever help I need--I know they will be there.
I have had the opportunity to travel and see many places in the world that some people only dream about. I have done MANY crazy and adventurous things and seen some amazing sites. I have also been blessed with an amazing man who supports me 100% (well I don't think he'd be happy if I went skydiving again!!), and a wonderful family with a best friend who I can count on no matter what. And now I am going to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. So am I ready? Probably not, and truthfully I probably won't ever be, but I have had an amazing life and am surrounded by people who love and adore me, so whatever help I need--I know they will be there.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Week 19
Starting off 19 weeks..."She has started to swallow amniotic fluid, and her kidneys continue to make urine. Hair on the scalp is sprouting. Sensory development reaches its peak this week. The nerve cells serving each of the senses -- taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch -- are now developing in their specialised areas of the brain. Nerve cell production slows down as existing nerve cells grow larger and make more complex connections. If you're carrying a baby girl, she already has roughly six million eggs in her ovaries. By the time she's born, she'll have about one million."
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Week 18
I am now 18 weeks and 2 days pregnant--almost halfway there!! In medical terms, I am in my fifth month. The first few months went fast, very fast, and there were days I didnt think I was even pregnant!! I had no tummy and I never really got bad morning sickness. As of my last doctors visit I weighed only 120 lbs., no different from my moment of conception, but that has all changed now. Not only do I have the appetite of a truck driver, I'm almost as big as a truck!!! Luckily its staying mostly in my belly!!! ( I can no longer see my feet now!!)

Pedro has been amazing, massaging my legs when they hurt and cooking for me non-stop!! Yesterday, after he made a trip to the international market, we had caracol and enchirmoladas. Caracol is boiled snails that are cut up with tomatoes, jalapeƱos, and a certain hot sauce, then served with crackers. Enchirmoladas are corn tortillas drenched in a homemade tomato and jalapeƱo sauce, folded, then topped with Mexican crema, cotija cheese, and onions.....yuummm!!! The rest of the evening was spent watching Sex and the City and me laughing at Pedro trying to juggle limes!!
I have no idea how my pregnancy has been so easy thus far, I am really grateful. I get struck with hits of high hormones every now and then and fatigue is running my body rampant, but overall it has been amazing. Now if I could just find some cute clothes to fit my big belly!!!

Pedro has been amazing, massaging my legs when they hurt and cooking for me non-stop!! Yesterday, after he made a trip to the international market, we had caracol and enchirmoladas. Caracol is boiled snails that are cut up with tomatoes, jalapeƱos, and a certain hot sauce, then served with crackers. Enchirmoladas are corn tortillas drenched in a homemade tomato and jalapeƱo sauce, folded, then topped with Mexican crema, cotija cheese, and onions.....yuummm!!! The rest of the evening was spent watching Sex and the City and me laughing at Pedro trying to juggle limes!!
I have no idea how my pregnancy has been so easy thus far, I am really grateful. I get struck with hits of high hormones every now and then and fatigue is running my body rampant, but overall it has been amazing. Now if I could just find some cute clothes to fit my big belly!!!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Baby Martinez
Hello to everyone and we hope you enjoy following us on this journey as we bring our first little girl into the world!! Baby Martinez is due on December 10th and will be delivered at Cobb Wellstar hospital in Austell, GA. This is an exciting new stage in our lives as we try to raise an exceptional young lady while merging our two cultures to teach her everything we possibly can so she will grow up knowing her Mexican heritage. (as well as her gringo background :)

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